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Story of Place


Thriving Communities

Long Now



3. Thriving Communities

How can our projects enable communities to thrive?

How can we create built environments that support the well-being, resilience, and flourishing of the people who inhabit them, considering the broader social, economic, and environmental aspects of these communities?

To achieve this, let us consider how we can:

1.1   … improve the communities physical and psychological health and well-being?

Create spaces that identify and address human physical and psychological needs, foster social connections, and contribute to a positive and supportive community environment.

1.2   … provide equitable and affordable access and resources to diverse communities?

Design, construct, and manage built environments in a way that ensures fair and inclusive access to facilities, services, and opportunities for people from various backgrounds, abilities, and socioeconomic statuses.

1.3   … empower community members to realise their potential and flourish?

Going beyond basic functionality, this involves providing resources, opportunities, and a supportive environment that enables individuals to thrive personally, professionally, and collectively within their communities as the building is designed, constructed, and inhabited.